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Reduce Neck Hump Ferment Herbal Massage

1 or
65 sterline britanniche
Ealing Branch

Descrizione del servizio

Neck Hump (kyphosis) also called dowager’s hump or a buffalo hump, an excessive rounding on the spine in the upper back and fat accumulated there, cause pain on neck and back. First put Green-Eastern Fermented Detoxifying Exfoliating Gel on neck hump and shoulder, doing 20 min Lymphatic drainage Massage. Then Green-Eastern Fat Burning Anti Oedema Hot Gel, massage hump, neck and shoulder. After 30 min, wash with hot water. Put on Bone Setting Cream and massage 10 min.

Dettagli di contatto

  • 16 The Mall, London W5 2PJ, UK


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