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Detox Lose Weight Boost Immune Porridge

Exclusive Powerful Multiple Medical Functions Herbs Sweet or Salted Porridge, Let you Regain Health

15 minuti
5 sterline britanniche
Monument Branch|Ealing Branch

Descrizione del servizio

Do you often have constipation or frequently got cold? Or with dark complexion and acne on face? Or Gaining weight, insomnia, irritability, dreaminess, depression, anxiety, memory loss, distraction, slow thinking? Our Detox and Boost Immunity Vegetable porridge can help you! If virus return unfortunately, if you got infection, our porridge could help you get rid of parts of virus, shorten the period of infection! Components: All components are food with health functions, such as鹹的減重山藥五穀蓮藕粥 salted porridge have Yam Multi Grain Lotus Root Porridge, they are good at strength stomach and spleen, help body expel out waste liquid and wet dampness, to achieve the goal of lose weight. Lotus can protect skin. Due to have seaweed, this porridge has salt favour. 山药五穀是可食用的中藥,能去濕氣,健脾胃,消腫,瘦身,蓮藕能美容,養血健脾。 For 甜的減重燕麥薏米莲藕粥our sweet porridge, it has Oat Barley & Lotus, Both Oat and Barley all have the functions to help lose weight. Lotus can protect skin.燕麥薏米都能祛濕瘦身,莲藕能美容,養血健脾。 All porridge has other our exclusive components to get rid of toxin and increase the activity of probiotics. Main Functions of Porridge: 1. Increase and activate probiotics 2. Enhance boost immunity 3. Remove polyps on intestinal wall 4. Relieve or eliminate constipation 5. Reduce or eliminate depression 6. Eliminate old stool and clean intestines 7. Remove dark bad complexion 8. Helps reduce appetite 9. Facilitate weight loss 10. Reduce the times of colds 11. Subtly change eating habits How to take: Our fresh made powerful porridge have multiple active components in 500ml sealed plastic cup. Please keep them in 4C fridge, then take out to eat directly. If you do not eat cold food, please only heat to less than 40 C degree, too much heat will damage active components. To let the porridge can directly contact the probiotics which attached to the surface of the intestine, try your best to eat all 500ml cup at once as breakfast, no need eats other food. It is better continuous eat at least 3 days our porridge as breakfast, to get better & quicker effectiveness. Symptoms might appear: You might need go to toilet after 1-3 hours eating, because detoxification process will expel out bad substances such as old stool left inside body, necrotic bacteria, polyps on intestinal wall etc, the stool smell very badly. Some people will emit gas from body/ fart, because probiotics fermentation produce CO2. Some might diarrhoea to move out body waste. After diarrhoea you feel comfortable.

Dettagli di contatto

  • 8 Botolph Alley, London EC3R 8DR, UK


  • 16 The Mall, London W5 2PJ, UK


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